Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Work Smart

Who hasn’t heard of this philosophy, “Work smarter, not harder.”? How can it improve our lives? What impact does it have in our lives?
For me, this philosophy has impacts both on our finances and our relationship. To work smart means to set your priorities.

On the financial side, it means using your best time to work on something that will bring you more money. On the relationship side, it means putting your most important relationship above all else. How do you determine your most important thing or relationship? Your answer to this simple question will let you know who or what matters most to you. Who would be with you when you are in the most difficult part of your life? I hope you answered family. 

A lot of things may seem to be important but our family occupies the top of these important things in life. Therefore whatever you plan or do, take your family as your vital consideration.

Priorities take centre stage as you pursue your goals and dreams. As you evaluate your priorities, you need to think intentionally to maximize your effectiveness in the things that matter the most in your life.
Remember that there are two kinds of priorities. These are your ideal priorities and your actual priorities. 

Your ideal priorities would be what you value and believe you should be doing with your time. Your actual priorities are what you actually did the last 24 hours, last month, during the weekday and on weekends. Your actual priorities can easily be traced from the last ten transactions in your bank account. Your actual priorities are visible as the top five people listed in your recent calls on your phone.

Evaluate this carefully to help you develop a clear understanding of the gap between your ideal priorities and your actual priorities. Simply put, this gap is where you are today and where you’d really like to be. Once you know where you are and where you want to go, you will be able to leap to your goals; you will be able to work smart because you have clearly identified your ideal priority and can now close in the gap from your actual priority.

I just want to caution you though, to put your relationships especially your family above all else. Your family will be all you will have when you go through the valleys. Your journey to success will definitely include valleys therefore you need someone who is truly concerned about you to help you get back on your feet.

To work smart is to set the right priorities. A successful person follows her priorities. If those priorities are distorted and disordered we will mismanage our schedule and therefore will not be successful. When you don’t have the luxury of time, don't focus on greater efficiency. Rather, evaluate your priorities so you can work smart.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Change is Desire With Action

I have yet to find someone who would say that they don’t welcome change. If you talk to people, they will always tell you that they are apt for change. But when you closely evaluate their situation you would rarely see that they are truly on the path of change. Change is a desire with action.

You can’t simply desire to change; you must be intentional about it to enable you to take action. Change can best be described as a quest. When you go on a quest, you prepare a plan and do it. When you go on a quest, you don’t just sit on your pan; you implement it. You make it a reality.

Change Starts With Desire
Change starts with the desire. You might want to change something in your present situation. Before arriving to that desire to change, you would have evaluated where you are. What prompted you to want to change? Knowing why you want change will motivate you to change.

Desire Starts With Realisation
You need to know where you are to enable you to get to where you want to go. It is simply like finding your way in a foreign country. You look for a map in the streets or in train stations. The first thing that these maps will tell is where you are. You will find a star that says “You Are Here” and then shows the various directions to various places from your starting point, “You Are Here.”

Where Do You Want to Go?
After knowing where you are, you can now decide where you want to go. Do you want to travel two hours by an ordinary train to get to your destination or you would prefer a bullet train and save you an hour. Do you have the means or the money to take the bullet train? Will going to a certain direction satisfy your desire?

Start Planning
When you have decided where you want to go, you need to have a plan to ensure success. You need to evaluate your resources. If you are starting a business, you should have prepared a business plan and a marketing plan. People who desire to keep improving would normally plan to continue to learn. They plan for a formal education and an informal one. An informal education consists of personal reading of motivational books and books related to their chosen business or interest. They would also surround themselves with successful people and people with common interest and passion. They would detail this plan including the dates and amount of time needed. They would have deadlines for each specify activity or plan of action.

Take Action
A plan to change can never happen unless you are intentional about it. Being intentional means taking action. You do everything possible to make sure you follow your plan. If your plan consists of reading at least 1 motivational book every month then by all means you must accomplish this.

We all desire change...a change for the better. However, change will never happen if you are not intentional about it. If you take a random survey of 10 people you see in a subway, they will always say they want change in their life. But if you ask them they are doing to make that change happen, it is rare that you hear detailed and intentional plans.

Do not be overcome with desire. Don’t switch off your alarm clock and go back to sleep. Switch it off but get up for your 6 a.m. morning jog to have an energised body that will help you get through all your plans for the day. Be intentional if you want change to happen.