Thursday, October 17, 2013

Law of Attraction and Parenting

We’ve heard a lot about the law of attraction. Simply put, the law of attraction means attracting what you want by focusing on it, by thinking about it.  Can the law of attraction apply to good parenting?

You catch your children fighting. You get upset. You tell them to stop fighting and why it is not good to fight.  You make rules and lecture them on the consequences should they break your rules. You turn your back and the moment you do, they continue fighting.  
This is where the law of attraction comes into play in good parenting.  What you think, say and do to prevent untoward behavior of your children actually makes your child do that unwanted behavior.  
The law of attraction fuels attraction of like energy. Everything around us is energy.  Our house, car, gadgets and even our body is made up of molecules of energy. Our thoughts and feelings emit energy too.   
We are a powerhouse of energy, a powerful magnet of energy.  Your thoughts make you emit emotions.  Your emotions will either attract or repel people, things and events in accordance to what you feel.  For instance, if you have good thoughts, you will have happy or have positive emotions.  These emotions will then attract good/positive people. 
The law of attraction can support you in parenting. If your reaction to your children’s fighting is as described above – you get annoyed and irritated, you start lecturing them on “do not” – you are basically focusing on the negative energy.  This negative energy will then attract negative results.  Your children will keep fighting and you will always be frustrated.
Instead of focusing on the negative, you need to channel your energy to the positive side to attract positive results.  Our relationship experiences are determined by our thoughts, emotions and expectations. To have a positive relationship with our children we need to have positive thoughts, emotions and expectations of our relationship with them.  This positive energy will not only improve our relationship with our kids but will also be instrumental in growing responsible and good children. This will train our children to be in alignment with the positive things in life.  They will start to develop an internal or body mechanism that allows them to feel and enable them to determine good and positive things from bad.  And because of the good feelings that they receive from positive reactions, they will have a yearning to do as you teach and as you please.
You can develop the positive law of attraction when you focus on what you want, get your thoughts and emotions to agree on what you want. So the next time your kids fight, focus on what you want to happen.  Step back, calm down, think positive thoughts.   Then express your desires, needs, intentions and expectations to your children in a positive and loving way. Show them they are loved and accepted.  When your children feel these positive emotions, they will respond in a positive way. They will then cooperate to the achievement of your desires for a loving family, living harmoniously and peacefully with one another, giving respect and cooperation.
The law of attraction will make our relationships work with our children if we envision love, peace and harmony so that we attract the same emotions from our children.


1 comment:

  1. It is true that how we approach the situation will greatly impact our child's reaction and if we want to raise children who appreciate peaceful resolution to conflict (differences are an inevitable part of life) then we must live that example.

    Another point to consider is that some amount of "fighting" is normal. It is part of growing up and learning boundaries.

    One of the best things we can do as parents is teach our children alternatives and how to check in with the Internal Guidance System to see how they are feeling about a given encounter so they do not develop fighting as an automatic response to conflict.
