Friday, December 27, 2013

Teach Children the True Meaning of Christmas

We have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas.  The true meaning of Christmas will continue to be in oblivion if we don’t remind ourselves of the true meaning of the season and teach our children the essence of Christmas.

The true meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, is often buried in the commercialism of today’s Christmas celebration.  We get caught up in the excitement of the holiday and unwrapping our gifts.  Kids couldn’t quit thinking if their “wish lists” would come true.  To prevent the true meaning of Christmas to be totally forgotten, we need to teach children the true meaning of Christmas, the spiritual side of Christmas.  

Some very intuitive single moms, came up with the following ways to teach children the true meaning of Christmas:

Use the Jesse Tree to help children learn about the salvation history.  Show the genealogy of Jesus through symbols and use this to decorate your Jesse tree.  This is a fun way of teaching and a great time for bonding with your kids.  For instance, ask your kids to draw an apple to represent Adam and Eve then hang this on the lowest branch of your Jesse Tree.  Next ask them to cut-out a rainbow from their old story book to decorate another branch of your Jesse Tree, all the way to the baby Jesus being born.  For every ornament they draw, cut-out or make, tell them the story and the importance of the symbols.

Instead of the usual bed-time story books that you read to your kids, get a Bible story book for your children.  They would love to hear the adventures of Noah, Moses, David, Samson and more.  Get them excited by reading portions of the adventures every night.  Make the birth of Jesus Christ your finale emphasizing its importance, saying that Jesus came to gift us with eternal life and nothing can ever compare to this gift.  Receiving Christmas physical gifts on Christmas day is a bonus but the gift of eternal life, the sacrifice of Jesus is the utmost gift anyone can receive.

Let your creative juices flow and build a manger with your children.  Make it more meaningful by allowing your kids to “add comfort” to baby Jesus by allowing them to add straws on the manger every time they do a good deed.  Get a cardboard box large enough to fit a baby Jesus doll.  Put some straws on it and then let the fun begin as your kids try to be good to enable them to add more straws on the manager.  On Christmas Eve put all the ornaments – baby Jesus on the manager, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and sheep, and the three kings.

Lull your kids to sleep with old-time Christmas songs like Silent Night, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, O Holy Night, etc. On your bonding time, watch Christmas movies such as The Polar Express, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (animated version), etc.

Make the Christmas holiday truly fun, enjoyable, entertaining and full of the true meaning of the season.

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