Monday, October 7, 2013

Sef Love

Most single moms are guilty of this… they do not love themselves or they love themselves less.  They probably are consumed by loving others, most specially their children, that they forego of self love.

Self love is one of the most essential ingredients to success in all areas of life – career, relationships, health, finance, etc. Self love means accepting yourself and  believing in yourself.  It means recognizing that you are good and that you deserve the good things that life has to offer. Self love brings about confidence and a calm spirit.

People who inhibit self love find peace, joy and success.  On the other hand people who have low self esteem and a negative perception of themselves are never successful and are not contented.   

If you feel that you love yourself less, here are some ways to help you love yourself more, enjoy life and live fulfilled everyday:

  1.  Appreciate your body.  Sure, no one is perfect.  If you can’t appreciate your outward appearance, appreciate your inward self.  Appreciate your intelligence, your compassion, your kindness.  Appreciate your attitude.  Appreciate how well your internal organs are functioning. Appreciate how well you converse.  Physical appearance, for instance excess pounds, a not so perfect nose, a flat chest, a difficult to manage hair, etc., will cause you to dislike yourself.  But if look for other things to appreciate your body and do this daily, positive energy will flow and draw you towards self love.
  2. Reminisce good times and dwell on these.  Think of these moments and focus your attention to your feelings at those good times.  This will  create a positive energy that will set a new energy pattern in motion.
  3. Don’t let petty things steal your composure. Did you know that chronic annoyance and irritation is toxic to the cells of our body and depletes us of energy?  So, the next time a driver cuts you, let it be.  Forgive and don’t let that minor incident destroy your composure and deplete you of your much needed positive energy.  Remember that your negative reaction will affect you and not that driver. Remember, you need to love yourself more.  Do everything to preserve your mind and body. As you do this on a daily basis, you will notice that you start attracting more of the positive things and events.
  4. Enjoy, have fun. Do something that you enjoy everyday.  If you are too busy, just spare 15 minutes everyday to do what you love to do.  It could be a short walk in the park, watching a favorite sitcom, reading a book, writing, calling a friend. Whatever it is, give yourself at least 15 minutes a day to do what you love to do.   Give yourself a break.  Enjoy the fun,  be thrilled by the excitement of looking forward to this special time for yourself.  Do not feel guilty about giving yourself time to enjoy on a daily basis.
  5. Love and appreciate other people and things.  Learn the habit of loving and giving appreciation. Appreciate the warm glow of the sun, the fragrance of a flower, the sweet and crunchy apple.  As you love and appreciate others and things no matter how minuscule they could be, positive energy will flow out of you and bounce back to you.

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