Thursday, February 6, 2014

Cool (DIY) Tips for Cool AA Moms

Here are some cool (DIY - Do It Yourself) tips for Cool AA (All Around) Moms. 

Use a comb to steady a nail before hammering.  This also keeps you from hammering your finger.

If you need to drill something, keep the dust from flying all over by using a post-it to catch the falling debris.


Remove the lime deposit that clogs your shower head by filling a plastic bag with vinegar and attaching it to your clogged shower head overnight.  This will dissolve much of the lime deposited on the inside  of your shower head and make it work almost like new.
Accidents do happen but keep them at a minimum.  Use cotton balls or Q-tip to pick up small shards of glass you can't see.

Cleaning hard to reach, narrow openings are no match for a flexible vacuum.  Add an empty paper towel or empty gift wrap roll to your vacuum.  It can be bent and flattened to reach those difficult, dirty places.

Keep a chalboard eraser handly in the glove compartment of your car for a non-foggy view. The charboard eraser works a lot better than cloth.
Forgot to include a document in your envelope? Fret not! Put your closed envelope in the freezer for an hour. It works like magic; the envelope will re-open easily.


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