Friday, November 20, 2015

Start Your Day Right

Have you experienced waking up in the morning feeling tired even after a good night sleep?  Well, we sometimes believe that we did have a good night sleep but if you evaluate your sleep it was more of a disturbed one instead of a calm sleep. Even if you did not have nightmares, your sleep could have been a disturbed and stressful sleep because before falling into sleep you couldn’t help thinking of your concerns during the day and the issues you will be facing the following day.

How can you start your day right? Most single moms are guilty of being able to start their day right. Their heads are reeling with things to do and they just want to get these done immediately upon waking up.  However, this attitude causes them to feel so tired even before they get to start anything.

Your alarm jolts you out of bed and the stress race begins with your routine hygiene, breakfast and then you speed out the door. This routine is exactly the reason why you pile yourself with so much stress every day. Learning to change this routine will help you start your day right.

I would like to suggest the following change in routine as it has helped me start my day right and because I started my day right, I accomplished more and was happier. Just add about 15 minutes to your daily routine and put this additional 15 minutes before your usual routine.

  1. The moment you wake up, say a little prayer. Even if you don’t feel like doing it, thank God for another new day. Thank Him for the roof above your head, your job or business, the daily food, health, protection, the sunshine, whatever. Just give thanks.
  2. Get into the habit of writing your thoughts.  Great ideas usually come out during the first minutes when you wake up. Just doodle; instead of drawing, write anything that crosses your mind. It could be about your dream, your plan for the day, your thoughts about your business, etc. Doodle thoughts actually calm your mind.
  3.  Still seated on your bed, take deep breaths for a minute or two. Take them slowly,  smile, and embrace yourself as you take those slow deep breaths. This is good not only for your mind but for your body too. It slows down your heart beat, calms you and makes you feel good about yourself.
  4. Now, get out of bed and open your windows to marvel at nature. During the summer, enjoy the chirping of the birds, the warm wind, and the sunshine. During winter, enjoy the sound of the falling snow.  Whatever it is find the time to enjoy nature.
  5. You can now start with your usual routine of hygiene and breakfast. But before you do this, you need to turn on music. Choose calm and soothing music. It is best if it is instrumental. You will feel calm and rested as you continue your morning routine.

Starting your day right will help you be a happy person, accomplish more, be creative and innovative.

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