Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Success or Failure

What you do daily defines your success.  There is no secret formula to success.  And it is no secret that your daily agenda determines your success.  Making key decisions or setting your goal then managing them well in your daily agenda will lead to your success.  You need to constantly, regularly, daily do tasks that will bring you closer to your goal.  You will never change your life for the better until you change something you do daily.

Success does not happen by overnight.  It does not happen by chance, by magic nor does it happen in an instant. Success does not suddenly occur one day in someone's life.  The same can be said for failure.  No one sleeps overnight and wakes up looking like a big fat pig (unless he slept that way).  Months and probably years of consuming junk food, soda and being a couch potato can turn a slim and healthy person into a Humpty Dumpty. Achieving success or ending in failure is a process.

Every day of your life and your routine is preparation for the next. What you do today will determine what you will become.  Today is your preparation for your future. The question is, “What are you preparing for?”  Are you doing today or preparing today for your success or your failure?

I remember someone say, "You can pay now, and play later, or you can play now and pay later. But either way, you are going to pay." Which one will you choose?  You can play, relax, take it easy and do whatever you please today.  But trust me, if you choose to take it easy today, you will have a difficult time later.  For one, you are younger today than you will be tomorrow.  If we take the odds, you are healthier, more agile, more creative today than you will be tomorrow.  Thus, you will better be able to do (and at a faster rate) what you should be doing to reach your goal today than if you procrastinate.  Competition is increasing and becoming fierce everyday - new technologies, consumers becoming more demanding and commanding. If you work hard today, you are better able to predict the market situation tomorrow than if you decide to play today and work hard tomorrow.  Things will be a lot different from today to years or even months in the future. It is easier to achieve success if you start preparing for it today. If you work hard now, on the front end, then you will reap rewards in the future.

What are you preparing for today? Have you chosen to work now and play tomorrow? Are you preparing for success or failure? Does your daily agenda indicate that you make a habit of paying before you play?

Choose wisely so you will end up successful.

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