Monday, January 5, 2015

Tweets and Thoughts

I enjoy reading tweets.  Tweets express one’s feelings and thoughts.  With just a few tweet words you can unearth tons of knowledge and ideas that can inspire people to do better and face life’s challenges.  Here are some I’ve enjoyed and learned from.

Keep busy improving yourself that you have no time to entertain the insults and negative criticisms of others. We can’t help it; sometimes we are distracted by what other people say.  To be affected constantly by what others say is an obstruction to progress. To avoid distraction, keep busy improving yourself.

Age sixty-five is the age at which one acquires sufficient experience to lose his job.  I guess this is to put it mildly that you normally retire at age 65. But age should not make one bitter but better in character and disposition. Most people consider age 50s and 60s as middle age and senior. Today, more and more senior people are still sharp, productive and are excited with life. We must be intentional in living life to the full.

In many cases, the reasons for marital breakdowns are insensitivity and selfishness; and in any relationship, the major problem is self-centeredness. We, human beings, are so engrossed with “I”, “me”, and “myself” that we forget about the interest of those around us. If we want to have meaningful relationships, we must stop and think of the needs of the people we care about.

Some things you do today will work; some will not. You may close a deal today or you may have a difficult time with a client. Do not get exasperated. There are lessons to be learned even from misfortunes. Learn how to better respond (not react) to a difficult client. Learn the lessons and move forward. Never blame others for your mistakes or misfortune. If you do this you are throwing away the lessons and that is when it becomes expensive. Always look for the gold nuggets and learn from everything you do and from everything that happens to you.

Achieving your goal does not end your task. Neither should failure be considered fatal. If you achieve your goal, go up the next step to achieving more success.  If you fail, keep on improving and keep on learning. Find ways to reach your goal. Do no quit easily; in fact, never quit till you are breathing. Enjoy the learning in the process of living.

Your stuff do not define you.  Are you dreaming to own a huge house in an exclusive subdivision or to drive the latest BMW?  These are not dreams but are merely things you want to own; they are acquisitions. If you are dreaming of these possessions, then you have a wrong focus.  Your dream should be focused on what you can become and what you can accomplish. This is your identity. Your possessions do not define you. If for the past years, you have been dreaming of the wrong dreams, it is not too late to refocus your dreams and become what matters most.

Each day of our life brings with it a fair dosage of challenges and difficulties.  Sometimes a single thought, one or two sentences, a prayer or a kind word can give a person undergoing the challenge to go through the difficulty and emerge on the winning side. 

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