Friday, April 12, 2013

Spring Clean Your Emotions

I believe spring cleaning is universal practice; that is, people all over the world practice it. From the United States, to Scotland, to the Middle East, Asia and even down under; people will spark clean their houses from the drapes to the furniture at least once a year.  It’s a tradition that is practiced either during spring time or before the New Year.

I bet single moms are no exception. You do this at least once a year.  You roll up your sleeves, grab your mop and broom and start cleaning your house till its sparkling clean.  Today, I would like to challenge you to embark on a modified spring cleaning program.   I call it spring cleaning your emotional clutter.
I know you’ve been through a lot; remember, we are in the same boat.  No doubt that the phase we went through and are still going through as single moms caused us to amass a ton of emotional clutter.  These emotional clutter or negative emotions are not healthy emotions.  If we continue to carry this unhealthy baggage, it will prevent us from reaching our goals and will soon destroy our future and even the future of our children.

Here are some simple steps to help you spring clean your emotional clutter.
Step 1:  Admit that you carry with you negative emotions.

We try our very best to dampen our negative emotions for the sake of our children.  We don’t want them to see us crying.  We want to portray that we are strong and that we have everything under control.  Sometimes we pretend so well (we are good actresses) that we become callous. 
We need to differentiate our pretentions from our negative emotions.

Step 2:  Be sensitive on your actions.
Do you catch yourself complaining about your past hurts?  Do love ones comment on your less than upbeat mood or your being moody?

Get to the root of the problem.  Is your past still haunting you?  You need to seek an immediate solution.  Join a support group, get advice.  You need to let go and face the future.
Step 3:  Look forward

I remember a story in the Bible where Lot’s wife looked back at their burning city as Sodom and Gomorrah were being destroyed and she turned into salt. Don’t let your past prevent you from achieving a bright future.
You may be harboring anger and you keep repeating thoughts of unworthiness.  You keep blaming yourself and other people and this is weighing you down. You need to look forward and get back on track.  You are responsible for your life and your children’s future.  Spring clean your emotional clutter and take back control.  Let go of unhealthy and toxic clutter that’s pulling you down.

You may be saying that this is easier said than done.  But I can attest to it.  It can be done.  If I’ve done it, so can you!

Step 4: Be careful of what you say to yourself.

We single moms talk to ourselves a lot.  Well, we can’t help it; our better half turned out to be a bitter one.  If you hear yourself say things like, “I’m such a loser”, “I can’t seem to make anything right”, “I’m not good enough,” stop!  Replace these phrases with positive and hopeful thoughts like “I know I can do this, I just need time”.

Listening to motivational speakers will also help unclog your mind from unhealthy thoughts, bring and attract positive vibes.

Step 5:
Keep a journal of your blessings.

Daily list the things you are grateful for. Just 10 to 15 minutes of your time everyday will result to a powerful life changing tool that will attract more good things in life and propel you closer to your dreams.

This simple exercise will help you get rid of thoughts, ideas, and even people who are not helpful with your purpose and goal. Think of this exercise like uncluttering your closet.  You throw away things or clothes that no longer fit you or you no longer need, so you will have more space for the more essential things or brand new things that will best suit your need.  
Step 6: Focus

There may be not just one but several emotional clutters that you need to discard.  This can be overwhelming but don’t fret.  It took time before negative emotions cluttered your life; just stay focused with your spring cleaning activity and you will get there.  Change does not happen overnight; it takes time. Be patient, considerate and kind with yourself, as you spring clean your emotions to improve your life.

There you go, six simple steps to jumpstart spring cleaning of your emotions.  You can do it girl; you are a super single mom!


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