Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Cooking with Kids

I love spending time with my kids.  In fact, I always look for opportunities and even create opportunities just to spend time with them.  One of the most enjoyable things we did when they were young was to cook meals with them. 

Cooking with kids will help you train them in one of the basic and necessary tasks at home.  Cooking with kids will also help you to help your children express their creative side and encourage them in doing tasks that they will enjoy.  Who knows, you might have a brilliant chef in your home or a great painter.

Of course, prior to the ultimate task of cooking with kids, you need to involve them in the preparatory steps.  Plan at least 1 meal with your kids.  Sit down with them and allow them to go through your cookbook.  Allow them to choose what they want to have for dinner or dessert on your cooking time with them.

The next step is to take them to the market to buy the stuff you need for your meal.  This is another way of spending time with your kids.  You will enjoy your short walk to the market or the grocery, talking and teaching them the value of the food that you select -- how this particular fruit, vegetable and meat will help in nourishing your body.  You can also use this time to teach your kids about the value of wise spending and budgeting.

The next scene is the kitchen.  Depending on the age of your kids, you can allow them to help with various cooking activities like mixing, measuring, cutting, rinsing, etc. At this step, you teach not just your kids but yourself too.  You need to practice patience and tolerance.  There could be a big mess in your kitchen but remember that the mess is nothing compared to the fun, excitement and joy that your kids are having.  Looking into their faces and you will forget the mess around you.  Enjoy the moment as this will not last forever.  Kids grow so fast that this experience looking back would seem like it was just yesterday (as in my case, I now have grown ups but I cherish the moments when we were cooking together).

Be like a real school teacher.  Have them read to you the cooking instructions.  This exercise is an enjoyable way of honing your kids reading and comprehension skills. I kid you not, if your children do not want to practice reading their school book, you can start them by reading your recipes.

Cooking with kids is a fun way of spending time with your children.  Make it a habit to spend time with your kids, help them to grow and mature in the way that is pleasing to God.  Teach them good manners, nurture their spirits and their minds, motivate and encourage them to have goals and achieve these goals.

Happy cooking with kids. 

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