Sunday, June 8, 2014


Success has several meanings, the most common of which is related to financial independence.  If you are my age and have devoted your time and energy to earning a decent income to provide for your kids, you might say, “I’ve arrived, I’ve made it, I am successful”. There is no shame in saying this and I believe we will encourage young single moms if we admit that despite all the issues we’ve encountered, we can consider ourselves a success. 

Let me know if you agree with me in the following ways I used (and continue to use) to maneuver to success/financial independence and not get stuck with the issues at hand. 

There is no doubt that being a single mom you will most likely lack energy, time, and enthusiasm. Surely, at some point someone said something that deflated your spirit and made you think your goal wasn’t achievable at all. I want to encourage you to move ahead and face whatever is hindering you toward the goal that you so deeply desire - be it financial freedom or something else.  Reaching whatever goal you desire will mean success for you.

Refuse to say “no” to obstacles toward achieving great goals.  There will be times when other things, perhaps even necessary things, cause us to detour. But even at those moments, refuse to deny your dream or derail your determination. Pick up where you left off and continue to the path toward your goal.

Discouragement happens to everyone.  Refuse getting stuck and felling down.  Nothing is accomplished by sitting around and saying, “I’m stuck. This will not work.  This is impossible!” You’ll just get even more mired in inaction. Reviewing and writing down a list of big and small items that all lead you to where you are now will help you plan your next action to winning and becoming successful. Progress can’t be made if you allow yourself to get stuck.

Celebrate your small successes and make this your spring board to the greater goal. The big celebration, the culmination of all your efforts, will be in achieving that ultimate goal. But along the way, you succeed in incremental ways, completing tasks and taking steps that all lead toward your central goal. Celebrate those achievements, so that you can feel like a winner even before you’ve reached your true destination/your ultimate goal.

Be wary of complacency.  Sometimes the small successes along the way can make us complacent and contented with what we have achieved so far.  Do not lose sight of the bigger and grander goal you have set in the first place. Remember that spark; remember when your heart pounded so strong and fast as you started making plans for your goal.  What inspired you to start off toward your goal in the first place? Sometimes, the farther we get from that beginning, the easier it is to forget the exciting, energizing beginning. Revisit that time, feel once again that enthusiasm and take it with you where you are in your road to your goal.

Here’s to your success today and everyday.

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