Tuesday, January 5, 2016

How to Achieve Your Goals for the New Year

A blessed New Year everyone.  I know we all had a long and well deserved holiday. For most of us, apart from all the parties and fun, we used the non-working days to reflect on the past year and to set our goals for the New Year. New Year’s resolutions are very common and are always the talk of the town at this time of the year. New Year’s resolutions are always (according to surveys) broken by the end of January. But how can you truly achieve your goals for the New Year?

Give time to set your goals.
I have a friend who stopped setting goals because according to her, she easily breaks them anyway. I guess the problem is that as easily as she sets her goals, the easier she breaks them. Goals must be carefully thought of. I love the acronym SMART when setting goals. That is, goals must be specific, measureable, attainable, realistic, and time bounded. Attainable and realistic does not mean that you set small goals to ensure that you can achieve them. Rather, attainable and realistic means that your goals must be something that you have the capacity to achieve because you have the skills and the means to reach them. Keep in mind that you set goals so that you reach the next level of your life; goals are set to improve your life.

Write down your goals.
Because of the consistency that you miss out on your goals every year you’ve decided not to write down your goals. This actually is the exact reason why you will not achieve your goals. Not writing them down will cause your mind and body to pay less attention to your goals. You become less committed and this is the start of failure. When you don’t write down your goals you actually allow fear to take control. Fear of failure can cripple us into inaction, keeping us right where we are at and never achieving where we want to be. Take control of your fear and doubts; take action and you will achieve what you have set your heart and mind to do for the year.

Break down the deadline of your goal.
Don’t say that you will lose 50 pounds within 12 months. Rather, break this down into monthly goals so that you are able to check and review your progress.  If you are not achieving what you have set for a few months (or quarter), analyze what you need to change. You should not change your goal but you should change your strategy. Probably, you need to diet apart from regular exercise to achieve the weight you desire. Breaking down your goals into small steps will help you achieve your year-end goal.

Rinse and repeat.
When you have found the right strategy to achieve your goals for the year, rinse and repeat. Do not be lazy because you will need energy to achieve your goals. Do not be complacent that you have found the strategy and that such is working well for the past few months. Repeat the strategy and review again after another month or quarter depending on your need.

Here’s to ensuring you will achieve your goals for this year and beyond. Have a blessed New Year.

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