Monday, December 28, 2015

Lessons from Below

As my son said, there is no age limit in learning. No matter what age you are, you can continue learning. In fact, learning should not stop after school graduation. I would like to add to that by saying, learning can happen everywhere; even when you are at the pit or your low point in life. Learning from below is actually, in my opinion, the best way to learn. Whatever you learn when you are at the lowest point in your life will be remembered better. It will leave a mark. Lessons learned from hitting an emotional and spiritual wall is painstaking and because of that these lessons are immortalized, cemented, ingrained in your heart and mind. Admit it or not, these situations and lessons have made you a better person.

Following are some of the lessons I’ve learned when I was at my emotional low.

You will find out who are your friends.
You are not at your best when you have problems - you sometimes can be rude and unreasonable. Only your true friends will understand your situation and your attitude and action. Your real friends will put up with you. The rest will take the exit door and forget they ever knew you.

Don’t just rely on others for help; help yourself.
Normally, we seek the help of other people when we encounter issues in our life.  We go to our family and friends to lift us out of the despair. But one thing I’ve learned is that when you are in an emotional pit, the best person and only person who can get you out of that pit is you. Sure, your family and friends can boost your morale but only you can deny or accept the emotional lift. So when you face an emotional low in your life, decide to get out of it; help yourself.

Get organized.
When you are at an emotional low of your life, it will help a lot if you get things in order and organized. Unclutter your environment; organize things at home and your finances. Doing so will help you reduce the number of things that occupy your mind. Having a physically orderly house also helps your mind to think neat and clean, helping you get out of your emotional low feeling. A clean and orderly house calms your mind and heart; it reduces stress.

Review your passion and priorities.
One of the best antidotes for an emotional low life is to revisit your passion and set your priorities. However, you need to simplify these to avoid being pressured. Learn to be contented with the simple things of life. This will surely lift you from your emotional low.

Focus at the end of the rainbow.
After the storm comes a rainbow. This is true if you set your heart into looking in the future with hope. Life is a journey and every journey has its lows and highs. There is no way but up after an emotional low. Focus to reaching your emotional high.

You become fearless after your emotional low episode.

After surviving your emotional low, you will have the ability to move forward when hit again by another problem in life. Experience is the best teacher. Your experience during your first emotional low may have been a slow walk or you may have even crawled your way away from the pit. On your next episode of an emotional low, it will be a walk in the park; you will be fearless and more adventurous in taking on the opportunities and challenges of life’s journey.

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