Sunday, February 24, 2013

Earn Extra Cash as Affiliate Marketer

In today's difficult economy, affiliate marketing is a great way to earn extra cash.  Single moms can definitely profit from affiliate marketing as there are a number of products out there that are either produced by single moms or marketed to single moms. 
Choose the product/service wisely
One of the keys to becoming successful in affiliate marketing or in any business is knowing the product and the market.  Knowing the product and the market will enable you to create excellent affiliate marketing tactics. Marketing a product you love is a great way to turn a "job" into a hobby, so try to pick something that really interests you and that really moves you emotionally. Your love for the product will come through and customers will pick up on this and ultimately buy more from you.
Data Gathering
When looking into an affiliate marketing program make sure that you look into one that will be able to provide you with the most current statistics. You may have to do a little digging to find this. It is important that you know exactly what is going on within the company so that you can have the proper information as a manager within the program.

Marketing Tactics – Banner
Throwing a banner at the top of your website that links to the front page of your affiliate company's website will not generate sales. Why would I bother clicking on that? What good is it to me? You have to TELL your readers why they should click on your links, and provide them with value.  You need to create not just a banner but a banner with great copy and graphics that will entice visitors to click.

Marketing Tactics – Videos
Recording videos demonstrating a product can greatly increase your amount of customers. Once you develop loyal followers of your marketing videos, you can then sell the affiliate content more assertively. If you create engaging and informative content, customers are much more likely to develop an affinity for your product.
Pitch and Tricks
Although it's a bad idea for an affiliate to act as if they're totally in love with a product, since it turns the potential customer off, it is still wise to link to the company's pre-sell product pitch. As long as you have read the pitch and find it to be tasteful, authoritative and relevant, you should send your traffic there.
The best affiliate marketers out there are innovative marketers. Relying only on the tips and tricks you read throughout various web articles will only get you so far. And that's because everyone's doing the same thing. You should soak up the information and use solid advice to build your own unique strategy.
Use a redirect so that you can hide your affiliate link. Some customers will just take the domain name and remove the affiliate portion of the link in the hope that they will get better pricing by "ordering direct". Using a redirect will force customers to actually use your link saving you your commissions.
There you go some simple tactics, tips and tricks to help you succeed in affiliate marketing.  If you are on the lookout for products, check

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