Friday, February 15, 2013

Pregnant, Young and Alone (part 2)

Yesterday we talked about the emotionally challenges faced by pregnant young ladies whose partners/husbands abandoned them.  Today, we will talk about another challenge that these ladies face; the money challenge.

Young and without college degree there isn’t much work that you can choose from.  At present, it is just yourself that you need to feed, clothe, house and provide medical insurance but as soon as your baby arrives your expenses will surely escalate.  But fret not; you have ample time to prepare for the money matters.

You can always work your heart out with offline jobs – restaurant crew, sales, office job, etc. – but you will have issues as you start feeling the physical changes brought about by your pregnancy.  Commuting, specific working hours, stress, etc. will add to your pregnancy challenges.  

The internet has brought about new job possibilities we call online jobs which you can do in the comfort of your home.  I trust that being young you are part of the internet generation so you have the skills to perform online jobs.  If you don’t have the skills, it is very easy to learn these as there are a number of free tutorials online.  If you know more than 1 language, you can use your skill to be a translator.  If you enjoy writing, you can offer your services as an article writer or even a copy writer.  You can make very good money with these online jobs.  Check websites like , , ,  for job opportunities that you can apply to or bid.

If you can afford to invest, I suggest you join money making online businesses.  However, I would like to caution you to be very selective before venturing into any online business.  Make the necessary research.  Check the website for legitimacy, forums for comments about the company, ask around both online and offline. Look for proofs to the claims of these businesses.  And most of all analyze the claims of these businesses.  If they pitch instant money, don’t believe it!  Money does not come instantly, though you can always work smart to make the work less hard. 

As an online marketer, I have been investing in a number of good online companies.  You can start your search by checking this site But again, do not just take my word for it.  Evaluate carefully before you take the plunge.

Being young, pregnant and alone are not reasons to be broke.  There are a number of ways to ensure that you will have the financial means to support yourself and your child.  It just takes your will power, creativity, guts, and resourcefulness to financial freedom. You and your child will survive and in fact have a good future!

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