Friday, February 22, 2013

Earn Extra Income while Having Fun

I’ve been involved with a lot of single moms.  I’ve heard all sorts of stories – both good and bad, failures and triumphs.  I also know that single moms are also human beings despite the so many tasks and responsibilities they are able to accomplish all at the same time.  In those times that single moms are humans; they feel tired, stressed and lonely. During these times they just want to talk to someone or write to someone. The extreme opposite can also happen.  They can also be so ecstatic that they need to share it with someone or they’ll burst!

Writing a blog about your life can both be a remedy to your loneliness and can be a source of huge cash!  Writing a diary will relieve you of stress.  Your diary can also be a source of help and motivation to other single moms around the world.  Writing a blog can kill two birds with one stone - release your stress, help other single moms and earn money in the process.
What do I mean by this? Did you watch the movie, Julie and Julia?   This is a 2009 American comedy-drama film starring the award-winning actress Meryl Streep. It recounts the life of Chef Julia Child (played by Meryl Streep) in her early culinary career and that of the young New Yorker Julie Powell.  Julie documented her culinary exploits in her blog which became super famous.  Women all over the world awaited updates of her blog.   

Earn money blogging
Single mom, you have such a colorful life and so many single moms (and parents) would love to hear your story.  Create viral posts about your challenges and how creatively you surpass these challenges on a daily basis. This will open your blog to advertisements.  You will receive requests for product review - everything from baby products, beauty products to health products. Schools will ask for endorsements.  Real estate companies will ask that their banners be displayed in your blog.  Advertising opportunities will be limitless.
Your blog success can open the door to other opportunities like authoring books and ebooks, coaching, speaking engagements, etc.  All these possibilities started because you, single mom, wanted to talk to someone and share your life so that others may learn from your mistakes and be motivated with your success.

Continue and level up
You are now having the time of your life and best of all you monetize your leisure time.  You can improve your blog by reviewing your regular updates. Your updates should be about three hundred to five hundred words in length; if you have a special story you can extend this out to a thousand words. Any longer and you'll likely lose the reader's interest.  You can also experiment in increasing your readers’ interest by getting them more involved through “polling”.
The key to a successful blog is relationship. Build relationships with your market/network.  Keep their interest and curiosity; and keep the cash flowing!  What started as a stress reliever, leisure and extra income can become your key to huge cash.

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