Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Habits of Stress-Free People

We know that stress can kill. Yet, most people do not practice the habits of stress-free people.  In fact a study reveals that only 23 percent of people believe that they manage stress.

These 23% have one thing in common.  They adopt spiritual practices. Scientific research proves that spiritual practices have positive psychological benefits which lead to a stress free life. An article by Ross Douth at the New York Times relates the increase in suicide to less social ties. This article further states that Americans with minimal or no affiliation to a church or synagogue are most likely to be depressed and lonely. Religions have a structure that allows its
members to express their grief, pain, anxiety and guilt.

Following are some of the habits and spiritual practices adopted by the 23% of people who are able to manage stress:
Prayer helps us to have a good perspective of life.  It calms us and increases our faith.  It reminds us to step out of our problems to get a better view of the whole scenario. It is basically having a grander perspective, a macro perspective towards finding solutions to life’s challenges.

Church group meet at least once a month.
Another study reveals that joining a church group that meets at least once a month increases our life span.  Meeting, talking, sharing with people our daily struggles is an excellent antidote to depression.  Listening to other people’s success in going through life’s problems are great motivations.

Some religions (such as Catholicism), have established a way to free a person from the feeling of guilt, which if not addressed will result to stress. Confession somehow relieves a Catholic of his or her guilt.  Confession gives a Catholic a feeling of relief.  Through the confession, a Catholic can also seek advice from the priest.  Other Christian denomination helps its members through dialogue with their pastors, thereby addressing any pain or anxiety.
Spiritual study.
Spiritual study helps church members to process the challenges of life.  There is a partnership between the church and its members gird towards easing the problems of an individual.  Through this partnership, a relationship is built between the  leaders of the church (its teachers and preachers) and its members providing its members with an emotional balance that helps them go through various life challenges.

Studies confirm that we need at least six hours of sleep daily to function at our best.  Though there are exceptions to the rule  like top executives who sleep less than four hours a day; they cannot go on
doing this forever and keep them achieving their goals.

Even machines require shutting down for maintenance; human beings are not wired to work the whole 24 hours everyday.  Normally the results of lack of sleep are shorter attention span, memory problems, impatience and being irritable, moodiness and depression - basically the signs of stress.
Very much related to sleep is the habit of rest.  We were not created to keep working.  Even God rested after six days of creating the world. For workaholics rest is an issue.  But if you want to get rid of stress, you need to practice the habit of rest.

Contrary to what workaholics believe, rest will not diminish your work  performance.  In fact, rest will revitalize and energize your mind and body to make you work faster and smarter.

Rest does not necessarily mean a full day of no activity. A few minutes of deep breathing everyday will nourish our body and soul.  This habit will help us slow down and keep our mind and body calm.

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