Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Stay Healthy

Hey there single moms, I am still on the self-improvement mode.  So, let me share with you some tips on how to stay healthy.  You see, we need to be healthy to accomplish the tasks no one else are capable of doing! (How’s that for motivation).


Health is wealth.  Health brings hope and hope revitalizes us to achieve our goals.  An Arabian proverb sums it up, “He who has health has hope. And he who has hope has everything.”

Staying healthy is actually easy; that is if you have the discipline.  Do you have the discipline to say no to cheeseburger and fries, no to sleeping in because you need to get up and exercise?  Would your love and respect for yourself be sufficient to fuel self discipline?

Let’s find out:

  1.  Exercise
    You don’t have to go to the gym or undergo strenuous exercises.  Simple walks, brisk walking, stretching and swimming will do.  You don’t have to spend a lot of time to do this.  Minimum of 15 minutes everyday will work wonders. 
  2. Right Diet
    Eat to live.  You can eat anything that pleases you but in moderation.  That is the secret; eat only small amounts of meat and sweets.  Feast on fruits and vegetables.  Drown yourself in water.  Water flushes out toxins from the food you eat and it is the best moisturizer you can drink.  Water helps to keep your skin looking smooth and young.
  3. Maintain Your Ideal Weight
    Determine your ideal weight and maintain it.  Your ideal weight depends on your height and age.  Check to calculate your ideal weight.
  4. Sleep Well
    Minimum of six hours and maximum of eight hours a day will keep your mind and body rested and rejuvenated.  Our body undergoes repair and detoxification while we are asleep.  Sometimes mere sleeping will make us well when we are sick.  Do you remember how you felt better after sleeping with a headache?
  5. Relax
    All work and no play, makes Mary a dull girl.  Take time out to relax and enjoy yourself.  Go on vacation.  If you are short on budget, plan and search for the best buy in terms of airfare and accommodation.  If this is still a challenge, be contented with short out-of-town trips.  Still not doable?  Treat yourself with a Spa.  Still not possible?  Read a book, watch a movie; anything that will relax your mind and body.
  6. Maintain a Positive Attitude. What the mind can perceive the body can achieve.  Have a positive outlook in life.  Rid your mind of all the negatives because garbage in is garbage out.  Always look at the bright side of things.  You are short on cash today; but tomorrow is another day and with it comes opportunities where you can find means to earn more cash.

As long as you are healthy you can find a lot of ways to change whatever it is that you do not desire of your present situation.  If you are healthy, that is less money problem to deal with because you don’t have to see a doctor and spend for consultation and medices.  Health brings about happiness and hope because you have the energy and stamina to run after your dreams.

Here’s to your good health today and everyday.

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