Friday, June 14, 2013

Parenting Teens Today

Parenting teens today is no easy task. I could hear my mom’s words resonate as I ponder on the best way to raise my teen. The thoughts in my mind echo the words of my mom, “During our days…”  

I realize that it is not right to compare teenagers of today to teenagers 30 years or so before.  Today’s teenagers are living in a world very much different from ours.  Parents need to understand that and must adopt their parenting style to this age and not insist on how it was during their time.  Parents should learn from their kids and the best way to learn from their teens is during meal time.
Try to eat dinner as a family at the dinner table as often as you can. Sometimes teens may prefer to eat in front of the TV or at their computer desk. Having dinner at the dinner table as a family gives your children a chance to share with you about their day. This is a good way for you to connect with your teenagers and to show interest in what they are doing.
Trust and Respect
Teaching your children the value of trust is very important.  Teach them to trust you and trust them in return. Be sure to start teaching children that they can count on you from an early age.  When they are young they will naturally trust you, but as they grow into teenagers you want them to think of you as a respected ally, not a feared dictator. It is better to get them to understand things than to demand their obedience.
As you gain your teenager’s trust and respect, you must show them that you trust and respect them in return. Do not accuse your teen.  Well, you might be right that they in fact are doing things they should not be doing.  Accusing your teenager will only make your relationship worse. Reach out through their emotions by talking to them in a nice way – soft voice, no accusations but pointing out the repercussions of their bad actions and decisions.  When they admit their mistake and resolve to never do them again, trust them. Trust them, gain their respect and build a great relationship.  This good relationship will make them avoid anything that will disappoint you.
Though you trust your teen's judgment, you still must set certain rules.  The internet can have a big influence on teenagers today. They can end up spending a lot of time on online social media and watching internet videos. It is important to regulate what your teen has access to, to ensure they are getting influenced by appropriate information. You should move the computer into a family area for more control. You will see a positive difference in your teen.
Focus on Positive Things
When raising teenagers, it may seem as if you are always focusing on the negative things they do. It is important to take some time out and praise them for some of their positive accomplishments. If all they hear is negative, it pushes them down, try some positive reinforcement; you will like the results you get from your teen.
If you have a teenager or pre-teen that is unhappy with their weight, the best thing you can do as a parent is convince them they are fine just the way they are. Many teenagers turn to eating disorders, such as bulimia and anorexia, because their parents are not supportive.
Offer Advice, Not Pressure
Although difficult, it is important for parents of college-bound students not to exert pressure on their child to attend a specific school. Sometimes teens will do the opposite of what is right when they are under stress, pressure and feel controlled.

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