Friday, June 7, 2013

I Choose to be Happy

I’m still in my motivation mode today as I update my blogJ.
Today, I just feel so happy and blessed.  I strive to feel this way everyday and it is possible.  You too can choose to be happy everyday.  Single moms, we’ve had enough of those dark moments. So, let us choose to be happy everyday.
This is me and I have the freedom to choose what I want to feel.  I choose happiness. Here is how I do it:
  1.  I start my day right.
    The moment I wake up, I commune with my God.  I talk to Him to thank Him for the gift of another day.  I count my blessings – my life, my kids, my business, friends, house, car, etc.  I then submit to Him my day and ask for His continuous blessings.
  2. I watch what I eat. 
    Did you know that there are foods that can make you sad? Some of the foods that may stimulate gloomy mood are coffee, meat and alcohol. Though coffee may be an energy booster because of its caffeine, watch out for the flipside as the caffeine subsides.  People from the East say that the sad feeling we may experience after devouring meat is due to the negative karma of killing an animal.  Modern science says that this could be the result of the damage that meat does on our insulin levels.  Alcoholic drinks though again considered as uppers lead to depression after a prolonged period of consumption. People who take alcohol when depressed will end up being addicted to alcohol and will consume more than the usual.  It may solve their problem momentarily because the alcohol will work on their brain to make them forget whatever it is that is bothering them but this feeling will not last long.  As the effect subsides they will want to drink more alcohol and become addicted, feeling more depressed than before.
  3. I deal with my anger in a healthier way. 
    I take a deep breath and count till my anger subsides. I take my focus away from the person or situation that bothers me.  There may be times of prolonged angry feelings and when this happens I look for an outlet to my anger like walking in the park, updating my blogs or talking to a friend.
  4. I walk away from arguments. 
    I turn my back from explosive situations.  This does not mean that I dislike confrontations.  Confrontations are necessary in resolving issues.  It’s just that when people go through a heated argument, nothing is solved.  You both walk away feeling sad and depressed. When the situation gets out of control, I just let it go.  I choose my battles and I choose to fight them on calm grounds.  I let it go at the moment but return to it once the seas are calm and when I and my “opponent” are open to logic.
  5. I take a fifteen minute walk just admiring the creations of God. 
    It’s unexplainable but God’s creation has a way of calming us, making us feel happy and opens our eyes to brighter perspectives.
  6. I hang out with positive people. 
    I spend time with friends whose outlook in life is good; whose positive attitude is contagious.  These friends lift me up, encourage me and help me in my challenges.  They are always available to listen and offer Godly suggestions that help solve my challenges.
  7. I readily forgive those who hurt me. 
    No one is perfect; we all make mistakes, so who am  that I would refuse to grant forgiveness to those who have wronged me? I just don’t forgive other people, I also forgive myself.  I am just a human being, prone to making unwise decisions (at times).  And in times like these, I forgive myself and grant myself another chance to make things right.  I accept my flaws; I confess my errors and take another road that will correct my mistakes.
  8. I’ve learned to say “no”.
    Single moms have so many things to do and it just amazes me when other people still see us as someone they could ask favor from every so often.  I used to say “yes” always – drive for a friend because she forgot to have her license renewed, pick-up groceries for a neighbor, cook for a relative, etc.  These tasks on top of my family responsibilities just add up to my stress level, exhaust me and cause me to feel unhappy.  Today, I say “no” to some of these extracurricular activities.
  9. I unleash my God given talents. 
    God has gifted us with tremendous talents and  I just feel so happy and contented whenever I am able to share my thoughts and feelings to single moms in my blogs; when I offer solutions to their emotional problems during consultation schedules and when I help them with their financial needs by teaching and coaching them on the online businesses that I have personally developed.
  10. I end my day right.
    I commune with my God before I hit the sack.  I talk to Him about my day, thanking Him for His blessings and guidance.  I also talk to Him about the disappointments I experienced during the day and lift up the people who may have caused these feelings.  I then put my trust in Him that He will show me the way to make things right.  After taking to God, I feel a sense of calmness, a light spirit and I feel happy.
These are the things I do to help me have a happy day, everyday. 
Hope you too will choose to have a happy day, everyday.

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