Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Develop Positive Relationships

Positive relationships could help single moms accomplish their tasks quickly and stress-free.  Can you imagine working and living in an environment where people help and support you, get favors and gain a lot of friends?  Positive relationships will help you do this.
Basically, developing positive relationships start from you.  You create a way for people to treat and react to you by the way you treat and react to them. Here are some steps that you should follow to develop positive relationships:
  1. Be pleasant.  It is impossible to get angry or be snobbish with a person who is pleasant.  If you react negatively to a pleasant person, you will be branded as a rude person.  Thus, people would normally react positively to a pleasant person.
  2. Offer help.  People who offer help are the ones most appreciated. These people are sensitive to the needs of other people and they make time and effort to be of help. They even go out of their way to help someone. As you help other people, they will try to find a way to return the favor.  Always find ways to help and this will definitely help you develop a positive relationship.
3.      Put on a smile.  Smile is an accessory that is can never be out of fashion. You don't even have to buy it; a smile is free.  Smile like yawning is contagious.  Have you ever experienced smiling even to a stranger and they smiled back at you? Smile is a bridge that builds positive relationships.
4.      Call people by name.  A person’s name is the sweetest sound to that person.  Exert an effort to remember people’s names.  It will be very pleasing for an acquaintance if you remember her name only after the first meeting.  She will feel very important and will value her relationship with you.
  1. Appreciate and thank people.  Always say, “Thank You” for any favor you receive.  Appreciate the efforts of people around you.
      6. Value people’s time. People have schedules and things to do.  Don’t be late for an      appointment or make them wait unnecessarily.  In fact, if possible, don’t make anyone wait at all.  Arrive at a meeting at least 10 minutes before the time.  This will make them feel important and valued.  This small gesture will be appreciated and help you create a positive relationship.

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