Thursday, July 11, 2013

Unearth Your Positive Attitude

Every human being comes with attitudes, both positive and negative.  Those who succeed in life have unearthed their positive attitude and any negative attitude has been buried in their old self.  According to Wade Boggs said, “A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.

If you want to come out victorious in this life of single motherhood, you must learn to unearth your positive attitude.  A positive attitude will give you the freedom and capability to turn the lemons that life throws at you into lemonade juice.

Here are some tips to help you unearth your positive attitude:

  1. Count your blessings.  Every morning, declare that you are blessed with life, good health, sunshine, kids, work, business, friends, family, home, car, talents, skills, etc.  If it is raining, be thankful that you have an umbrella; if you need to walk, be grateful that you have feet or the health to do so.  Always find a reason to be thankful whatever circumstance you are in. Make it a habit to count your blessings.
  2. Find the joy in the moment. Look for a reason to be happy in your situation. It is joyful to prepare your kids for school – wake them up and get that good morning kiss and power hug.
  3. Vow to smile always.  Start in the morning. Smile when you wake up. Smile as you face the mirror to say “you look good today J”. A smile enlightens you and brings out that positive attitude that will make you enjoy your day. 
  4. Choose not to worry.  Studies reveal that only 8% of the things people worry actually happens.  Worry causes emotional and physical harm, so choose not to worry.  Rather, expect the best but be prepared for the worse.
  5. Forgive others, forgive yourself. Humans are bound to make mistakes.  Do not sulk in your mistakes or your hurt feelings caused by people around you. Forgive, learn from your mistakes and move on.
  6. Be an agent of positive attitude.  A positive attitude is as contagious as a negative attitude.  Be an agent of positive attitude by influencing those around you to unearth their positive attitude.  When people see you smiling, happy and with a bright perspective in all circumstances, you tend to attract them.  Soon you will find people around you having that same positive attitude as you do and negative attitude will not have any room in your environment and circle of friends.
  7. You are your own master. When negative thoughts start creeping in, tell your mind that these negative thoughts have no room in your life.  Command your mind to erase negativity and invite only positive thoughts.  Keep your mind focused on unearthing positive attitude and taking forward steps to your dreams and aspirations.

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