Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mood Changing Tips

I was not feeling upbeat one day and no matter how I tried to practice what I preach, nothing seems to work.   I then decided to ask my ladies what they would do to change a negative attitude.  Not to my surprise they came out with funny (weird) suggestions that a relationship expert like myself would not think of.  But weird as these mood changing tips may be, I have a strong feeling that they work because I tried some of them.

Drink hot chocolate.  This does not have any medical explanation apart from the fact that chocolate contains caffeine which gives you a boost. Sip the hot chocolate little by little savouring its taste and feeling the chocolate run down your throat to your stomach.  Feel the warmth and smoothness of the beverage.

Bring out your awesomeness.  Put on your boots or anything that makes you feel special and attractive.  Put on something that will make people turn their heads.  Then go out to a heavily populated area and just flaunt your awesomeness and enjoy the attention.

Embrace your dog.  Your dog accepts you regardless of your attitude.  He would love to be around you even if you’re cranky.  Play with your dog, hug him and pet him.

Delete your facebook!  I dare you try this one.  But come to think of it, facebook can make you feel unhappy because of bad news from friends, make you envious of friends’ achievements or places they’ve visited, stress you out because of your desire to update friends of your status and be well-informed of events in your friends’ lives.  If unguarded your attitude becomes one of an unhealthy competition with friends and many other negative attitudes. So why don’t you just delete your facebook and go back to the basics of the good old fashion means of communicationJ.

Go nature watching.  Try watching the clouds go by and create images as they pass by like sheep leaping over a fence, dogs chasing horses or ducks swimming on a lake.   If you want to go overboard, watch the ants at work and create a script from their task of food hoarding.

Dance alone.  Have you tried dancing alone?  Your can choose your own music. No one will criticize your moves and you can dance to your heart’s delight.  You are the queen of the dance floor; a graceful, flawless dancer.  

Clean your house.  This tip will do two things for you.  One, when done your house will be sparkling clean.  Two, it takes your mind off your bad mood.  You chose and decided to clean your house.  With that objective in mind, you forgot whatever it was that was making you feel cranky.

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