Friday, March 8, 2013

Happy Women's Day

Mom's Trophy
As the whole world celebrates International Women’s Day, I would like to congratulate all single moms around the world.  You count!  You are special because you are and will always be available for your children.  You are their strong foundation for their dreams and aspirations.  You deserve a special commendation.

It always brings smiles as we remember the not so distant past when we were all alone (so we thought).  We felt that the task was so daunting; it actually is, though we tried to dampen its enormity by over dosing ourselves with our children’s love.  We had to build not just a house but a home for our precious little ones.  We had to provide for their financial needs and ensured that nothing will be lacking in their formative years; except the fact that they are growing up without a dad.  We filled in the shoes of dad, the good provider and companion to everything that every little boy and girl loves to do.  Every year we tried to make birthday celebrations more enjoyable than the year before. Every holiday was planned to make it better if not the same as the holidays of kids living with two parents.  We spent sleepless nights alone caring for our sick children.  School activities, school programs and even the principal’s office is not alien to us.  We've bravely went through all of these hurdles.
As they quickly mature (so they thought) to teenagers, we worried sick whenever they spend longer hours than their allowed time out with friends.  We remember how our teenage girl cried herself to sleep in our arms as we tried to nurse her broken heart over a failed relationship.  We worried over our son’s bone breaking ball games.  Their prom nights brought back our own memories as we watched them elegantly and stylishly dressed, looking very confident and mature.

Then in was college time and off they went to their respective schools eager to find new friends and excited over the new environment.  We worked two jobs and saved ever penny to support their studies. We even had to get a loan to add to their school finances.  Then sooner than we could anticipated, it was graduation day.  Tears fell uncontrollably as we watched them parade on stage.
Now, our end is almost near and we just enjoy reminiscing those times when we were raising our kids alone.  Single moms, I believe we have achieved more than what the famous women of politics, society and sports have done.  We’ve raised our children taking on the role of both the father and the mother. 
Therefore, happy women’s day to all single moms around the world.  You deserve to be honored today and everyday!

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