Sunday, March 3, 2013

Your Kids could be your Helpline

Raising a “good” family alone is possible. It is stressful, tiring, frustrating at times but it is possible.  Did you know that you can get help not just from friends and adult members of your family but directly from your own children?  You may not realize it but children can and may understand your situation better than you think they can.

Educate your kids
Talk to your kids and explain your situation.  This does not mean a onetime conversation but a regular sit-down talk whenever you have the time but most especially when there are issues.  Talk to them about financial matters, security, housework, etc.  You will be amazed at how they will comprehend regardless of how young your kids are.

Turn your kids to responsible children
Letting your kids help in the house will turn them to responsible children.  I have a friend whose 2 year old boy is tasked with setting the dinner table and emptying the dish washer. Her 6 year old vacuums and dusts the furniture.  Her kids pick-up their toys after playing and put their dirty clothes in the laundry area. They know that they need to help and are happy that they can help.

Money saving tips
Money sure is a problem but there are ways to save money for the more important things like education for your children.  Because you talk and involve your kids in the situation you are in, they will understand if you will not be able to spend money for toys/gadgets their friends may have or to go on expensive vacation.  Teach them to enjoy simple things and they will credit you for that as they grow up because you gave priority to their future - education and the like. 

Take your kids on short trips as often as possible.  Find cheap fun when even the short trips are not possible. My friend just found out that she enjoys going to the playground as much as her children do.

To save on basic needs such as food, try cooking your food.  Avoid eating out or ordering ready-cooked meals.  Review how you spend for your groceries.   Don’t just buy food that you like; think what you can add to the food to make an entire meal. This way, you don’t spend money on a lot of food that either won't get eaten or that doesn't go well with other foods. 

Earning Money from Home
Did you know that you can earn money working from home?  This way you will have more time to look after your kids.  If you are already working and earning a decent income, I will not advise you to leave your job.  Instead, I would like you to experiment on spending an hour everyday to check if working from home is for you.  The internet has provided huge opportunities to earn money from home. There are a number of jobs you can do from home.  Though these jobs may pay a decent income, I am talking about a different kind of work.  I am talking of turning you into an entrepreneur and becoming financially free.  I’ve tested a number of these opportunities and I would like you to check if this is for you too.   

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