Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Is Network Marketing for You?

When you start network marketing, it can be overwhelming. After all, you're really running two businesses. On the one hand, you are selling a product. On the other hand, you are recruiting others to sell the same product. Both areas deserve your full attention.  Do you have the competency to handle 2 businesses apart from managing a home and kids?

Apart from acquiring the relevant skills and having ample time, be prepared of negative comments from your friends and family.  Never be influenced by such negative comments.  Keep focused on your goal and commit to what you have started.  Expect to hear comments such as “get a real job!”  Remember that network marketing is  real job if you put your heart and mind to it and that you are doing this to have liberty of time to look after your kids and soon the financial freedom as long as work hard.  Stay focus and keep a positive attitude.  

Motivate your Team
Tell your network marketing team about your own story, but make it quick and straight to the point. Be honest and don't exaggerate, but let them know who you were before you joined this project and who you've become since. If you haven't yet made a ton of money, you can tell them how you've grown/developed as a person.

You must teach your team the value of time.  In this internet world where everyone owns at least 1 account in social networking sites, people spend a good amount of time doing “non-sense” chatting.  Teach your staff to use the social networking sites to improve their network marketing business.  People they communicate with in the social network sites could be gold mines.
There are times that you need to be tough.  Removing people from your network who aren't earning money may be difficult.  But this is a good way to show your team that you mean business.  You as their leader/upline is committed to pushing them harder to do better and achieve their goals.  Also do not forget to praise your team for their achievements. People love being told they're doing a great job!

Steps to Success
You should always have a set schedule and stick to it. Plan for what you are going to do with the time you have set aside for your business, make sure you are on schedule. If you stick to a schedule your business will run better.

Always  follow-up online introductions with a phone call or personal meeting when possible. If you have a prospect you connect with online, they see you as a name in an email or hyperlink on a webpage. An actual conversation personalizes your relationship and humanizes you to them. They're far more likely to do business with someone they view as real.

Practice your pitch on your friends. You need to be comfortable approaching people and the practice will help you to achieve that. Discuss every part of your business with them, just as you intend to do with your potential down-line and let them ask you questions. Repeat this process until you are well versed and comfortable with every detail.

Network marketing is indeed a challenge but  if you know how to manage the two sides of your business you'll be fine. Besides, network marketing is one of the best businesses to go into as a single mom because it gives you the liberty to schedule your time.  Another business that you can consider is http://bigmoneyvault.com

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fade,

    I found your blog post very interesting. As a single mom of two daughters, ages 5 and 12, I have tried a few MLM programs, and I find it hard to do.Attending meetings and hosting private meetings while raising kids, running a full-time business aside from the MLM and holding down a home can be a hand full, and overwhelming at times. You have given some good pointers here to share with moms. If you are on Facebook, I have a page there called 'The Laptop Mommypreneur'. I too wanted to give advice to moms in general, to teach them how to run a business of their own while raising kids. For 8 years I have been an independent publishing consultant, teaching others how to publish, promote and sell their own books. While it has been rewarding, it can sometimes be slow. I wanted to supplement my income, which was why I started looking at MLM opportunities.
    My page is http://www.facebook.com/motivateu. I would love to connect with you over there.
    Keep posting. You have a very insightful blog.
    Take care,
